Fear of Motherhood

Congratulations if you are pregnant.

If you are trying to conceive- Good Luck.

If you are thinking to conceive but are flooded with fear and doubts my advice to you is: go for it, there is never a perfect time or an opportunity to have a child. Life is full of hurdles so if you really want fo bring a new life into this twisted but wonderful world just do it.

Life without a child as a couple is very convenient. You are solely responsible for yourselves, indulging in existence is joyful and planning expenses is much easier because you don’t bear the burden of making sure that a tiny human being who is not capable of sustaining their basic needs entirely relies on your physical, mental and financial support. I’m going to be brutally honest with you, as a mum to be, I’m terrified of that whole new sense of a responsibility. My partner feels the same. We are both excited about our new arrival, we can’t wait to meet our baby girl but at the same time we are both petrified. Hence we take everyday as it goes without assuming things or rushing into despair or fortune telling which is not an easy thing to do. For instance, I’m on maternity leave and have begun to sort my my baby’s room, I know people who thrill while doing it but I could compare the whole experience to walking barefoot on the shattered glass which has been maliciously scattered on the floor just for me haha. I know, I sound very dramatic but going into my daughter’s room is a reminder of the unknown and I associate this unknown with struggle, pain and fear. Let me explain why.

I have dealt with anxiety atleast 80% of my life and I’m already 30 years old woman. My mind is like a library. Every situation and every thought is carefully categorised and placed on the shelf. The biggest collection of ‘books’ reside on the shelf which is labelled ‘fear’. I could almost compare that shelf to Purgatory ( which is a place where Roman Catholics believe the spirits of dead people are sent to suffer for their sins) where new occurances in my life are initially placed before being adequately categorised. Sometimes I despise myself for it because if I’m being rational the fear doesn’t occur to me as much. I use the fear as a coping mechanism which suppose to protect me from unpleasant experiences. It’s obvious that this self- invented self- security system fails most of the time making my mind overwork itself. So after years of sending new experiences to Purgatory I decided to change it. Don’t take me wrong, I haven’t gotten rid of mighty selection of ‘Anna’s fears’ because it works like a filter for me. It’s a bit like OCD, I analyse my thoughts preparing for ‘the plan a and b’ but then I simply face my fears. If I didn’t face them I wouldn’t go in my baby’s room and I wouldn’t start sorting it out. I would stay the heck away from it hoping for the best ( solely relying on my partner’s help). I take one step at the time while dealing with it. For example, yesterday, I washed baby’s clothes and today I will take care of the nursery equipment and accessories. That’s my plan of action. Again, I would love to say that doing it is a pleasant experience but it’s not. The only positive idea which I’m able to think of is a sense of pride and achievement after I finish working on tasks which I have set myself to complete. I know that I will feel the same after finishing my baby girl’s room or her arrival. Afterwards, I will move the book of I’m terrified of becoming a mother’ to a shelf labelled ‘life’.

4 thoughts on “Fear of Motherhood

  1. Hah….though am a mum of a 10 month old baby girl, pregnancy seems like a blissful memory. I take an opposite approach to fear…I try to ignore it, not dwell on it, or focus on something I can control, like tasks. I don’t know if this will help, but try focusing on the present or the immediate future. When I was pregnant, I read books on pregnancy and baby essential lists…and focused on what I can do to be as healthy as possible and to prepare
    I approached motherhood anxiety IN a kind of “wondrous-awe” of the life growing inside …we were created to nurture life, trust in that instinct built in you that you will take care of baby girl to the best of your ability.
    Wish u all the best with the preparations and the journey of motherhood ahead. You aren’t alone Anya, cheers!

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    • Thank you for your comment @thedewdiary 😊 You use a very positive method to deal with the fear. I would compare it to active meditation when you shift your focus to something else. I really try hard to focus on the present moment because I find thinking about the future so overwhelming especially with so much ‘unknown’ lurking in the corner. Thank you for your kind words ! 😊


      • Hah well my positive approach to motherhood unfortunately doesn’t apply to all areas of my life, most esp career. I just ignore and take passive approach to anxiety and fear. Wish u all the best in the journey ahead. There will be challenges but make up your mind that motherhood is one of the most amazing and blessed (albeit sleep depriving haha) experience in life. A little being loving u unconditionally as u meet their every need

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